Tours To Uzbekistan

National holidays of Tajikistan

Published: 30 june 2014

In Tajikistan, as in all Muslim countries, the most common and solemn festivals are Nowruz, Kurban and Ramadan, as well as Independence Day and New Year.
Idi Kurban or Feast of Sacrifice is celebrated 70 days after the end of the month of Ramadan, when all believers keep a fast. There is a legend, once one of the ancestors of the peoples of northern Arabia Ibrahim saw Allah in his dream, who told him to bring to sacrifice his son Ishmael. When he was ready to kill the boy, Allah was sure in his devotion and told him to bring him a lamb. So, this day every faithful Muslim sacrifices a sheep or lamb. Meat is used for family holiday meal, the rest is given to the poor people.
Snowdrop feast is celebrated before Nowruz holiday. It is known that Tajikistan is a mountainous country, that’s why here you can see these beautiful flowers. When the mountains are covered by snowdrops, local children collect them in order to give their mothers, sisters, grandmothers and teachers. All this proves that spring has come, as well as the main holiday of this month – Nawruz, which is celebrated on March 21. First of all, it is a spiritual holiday, so this day people must forgive each other. Traditional holiday meal is sumanak. While is cooking, a stone is thrown into the cauldron. It is believed, one who finds the stone, will be happy and lucky the whole year. A festive performance and events in the national style are held in the city and villages.
There also other holidays in Tajikistan: Day of defenders of Motherland - February 23, Labor Day - May 1, Victory Day - May 9, Day of Memory and Grief - June 22, Independence Day - September 9, as well as other official holidays.


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